Proposal for dividends distribution in 2021
Resolutions adopted at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Ebro Foods, S.A.
Execution of the sale of dry pasta assets in USA

Do you know that we give a second use to our surplus raw materials and reuse them, among other things, as beds or fees for livestock? In this video you can see some of the examples of how we apply the circular economy in Ebro.
Ebro is already a “Waste Warrior Brand”

One third of the food produced in the world is wasted. In this video we explain how we have joined this initiative to combat this problem and raise awareness in society.
Ebro Talent, a program to promote innovation in the food sector

Ebro has launched Ebro Talent Caring For Innovation, a program to promote innovative ideas that improve efficiency and sustainability in the food sector, and that help achieve the different SDG´s promoted by the UN within its 2030 Agenda. The program, which begins on December 11, is aimed at university students, startups, research groups, spin-offs arising… Read more