
Presentation to analysts announced this morning, regarding the Group Ebro Foods results for the first half of 2024


Results H12024

Presentation of the results for the first half 2024


Net Profit up 17% to €108.8 million

Net Profit up 17% to €108.8 million

H1 earnings were once again higher than those recorded in the same period of last year, when record earnings had been posted, confirming yet again the Group’s sound progress and correct strategic approach. The solid growth of frozen, instant and value added categories in the Rice Division maintained their positive trend throughout the period. The… Read more


Announcement of the presentation to analysts relating to the results of Ebro Foods Group for the first half of 2024


“2023 has been a challenging, yet very fruitful year for our Company”.

Discurso de Antonio Hernández Callejas

The Chairman began his speech by pin-pointing the tough outset of the year, with an estimated over cost of €225 million, due to the swelling inflationary costs derailed, throughout the previous years owed to the pandemic and the outbreak of the Ukraine war. Over the course of the year, this situation eased gradually. The Group… Read more


“A year full of with work, satisfaction and achievements”

Discurso de Blanca Hernández

Blanca Hernández reviewed the projects set in motion in the Social Responsibility and Sustainability Area in addition to the work carried out by the Ebro Foundation during 2023. In this regard, she began her speech by referring to the regulatory tsunami impelled by the European Union in i) the social sphere, with particular emphasis on… Read more


Resolutions adopted at the Annual General Meeting of Ebro Foods, S.A.