Measures to protect the environment must be carried out in all areas, including our daily life on a personal level. Here are some tips to make your kitchen a sustainable space.
1. Betting on seasonal products
By consuming these products we achieve a triple benefit:
- We respect its life cycle, without forcing its cultivation with fertilizers.
- We help local production and economy
- We mitigate our carbon footprint by avoiding long-distance transportation.
2. Choose sustainable materials
- Plastic takes 500 years on average to decompose
- Single-use utensils increase the amount of waste we generate
- Glass and ceramic containers are the most environmentally friendly alternative
- Cloth bags and napkins reduce our environmental impact
3. Uses triple-A appliances
Efficient appliances achieve considerable savings in water and electricity. Energy excellence is in those appliances with A+++ label. In addition, use small tips to make a responsible use of them. For example:
- Optimizes dishwasher space
- Locate the refrigerator separate from other appliances, such as the oven.
- Use tap aerators
4. Fighting food waste
Incorrect food storage is one of the major causes of food waste. Keep in mind that:
- Fresh fruits, vegetables, eggs and legumes keep well between 6 and 10 degrees Celsius.
- Meat, fish and dairy desserts need to be at 4 degrees.
- Sorting by expiration date, both in the refrigerator and in the pantry, will help you consume foods with a shorter shelf life first.
And don’t forget to prepare trash cooking recipes at least once a week.
You can now start mitigating your carbon footprint. Are you ready?