Principal highlights
Ebro Foods is the leading Group in the Spanish food sector.
Quoted in the electronic continuous trading system of the Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia stock exchanges.
Operates in the production and marketing of high value-added products in the rice, pasta, sauces, ready meals, fresh potato and other related sectors.
Present in 52 countries: 14 with industrial and commercial activity and 38 with only commercial activity.
Network of 23 subsidiaries operating in Europe, America, Asia and Africa.
Portfolio of over 70 leading brands.
Global leader of the rice sector and the second pasta manufacturer in the world.

Ethics and Integrity
The company is governed by the Ebro Foods Group Code of Conduct and Internal Code of Market Conduct.
The Group’s Code of Conduct (COC), approved by the board of directors of Ebro Foods, S.A. on 28 March 2012, is applicable to all the companies in the Group. It provides guidance on how to act in the Group’s internal and external relationships, strengthening the values that distinguish us and establishing a basic reference to be followed by the Group.
In particular, the COC reflects the Ebro Group’s commitment to the principles of business ethics and transparency in all its areas of activity, establishing a set of principles and guidelines to guarantee responsible, ethical conduct by all the Group’s professionals in the performance of their duties.
The COC is also a reference for the Group’s relationships with its stakeholders: shareholders, employees, consumers, customers, suppliers, competition, authorities and markets in general.
All persons bound by the Code pursuant to Section I.2 are obliged to comply and ensure compliance therewith. Nobody, regardless of his/her position in the Group, is authorised to require a person bound by the Code to breach the contents thereof. No relevant person may justify any malpractice or conduct infringing the Code alleging an order from a superior or ignorance of the contents of the Code.
In this regard, any person bound by the Code may report, under a guarantee of absolute confidentiality, any default or infringement of any of the principles set out in this Code, for which a reporting channel is established as follows:
- Reports may be sent to the e-mail canaldedenuncias@ebrofoods.es
- Access to that e-mail account, technologically protected to prevent any unauthorised access, shall be limited exclusively to the Chairman of the Audit and Compliance Committee who, as independent director, has no relationship with the management structure of the Ebro Foods Group.
- According to the contents of the report, the Chairman of the Audit and Compliance Committee may obtain the appropriate information and make the necessary consultations to clarify the issue, guaranteeing at all times the absolute confidentiality of the reporter and not informing the reported person or persons until the investigation has concluded.
- The Chairman of the Audit and Compliance Committee shall keep in touch with the reporter, informing him/her of the enquiries made and the final outcome and consequences.
- The Chairman of the Audit and Compliance Committee shall in all cases establish the order of priority, process, investigate and resolve reports, according to their importance and nature, paying special attention to those concerning a possible financial or accounting fraud and possible fraudulent activities.
The full text of the Code and the guidelines established for its implementation and application are at the disposal of all our stakeholders through the corporate Intranet and the Group website, specifically in the section Corporate Social Responsibility: https://www.ebrofoods.es/en/corporate-social-responsibility/code-of-conduct/
The Ebro Group is preparing a multi-year plan of ethical audits made by independent auditors at its workplaces and a selection of supplier workplaces, as mechanisms for monitoring and assessment.
The Board of Directors of Ebro Foods, S.A. approved the Internal Code of Market Conduct in 2006.
The Code was passed as one of the actions taken by the Company to comply with the latest amendments to the applicable legislation introduced by the Order of the Ministry of Finance and Economy EHA 3050/2004 of 15 September concerning information on related party transactions to be supplied by listed companies and Royal Decree 1333/2005 of 11 November developing the Securities Market Act 24/1988 of 28 July concerning abuse of market power.
The purpose of this Internal Code of Market Conduct is to:
- Protect investors.
- Safeguard price-sensitive and significant information.
- Regulate the general principles for acting in related-party transactions.
- Regulate dealings in treasury stock.
- And secure the good functioning and transparency of the company on the stock markets.
The full text of this Code is at the disposal of all our stakeholders through the corporate Intranet and the Group website, specifically in the sub-section Corporate Governance: https://www.ebrofoods.es/en/information-for-shareholders-and-investors/corporate-governance/rules-of-conduct-on-stock-markets/

Mission, vision and values
The mission of the Ebro Foods Group is to research, create, produce and distribute high value-added foods which enhance people’s health and well-being while meeting their nutritional needs.
Our vision is to grow sustainably, ensuring ethical conduct and professional and personal integrity in the performance of its business activities, creating value for its shareholders, minimising the environmental impact of its operations, guaranteeing the personal and career development of its employees, improving the quality of life of society and meeting the needs of customers and consumers.

Industrial infrastructure
The Ebro Group has, through its subsidiaries, 42 industrial plants in 15 different countries.